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SAP DB WRITER ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Write Stream, Fill Database
The example demonstrates how data can be written to a database table using a write stream .


In the main method, a
LOB handle structure is derived from the structure of the
DEMO_BLOB_TABLE database table , whereby the PICTURE component is declared as a LOB handle component for a binary write stream .
This write stream is created in the INSERT statement and then sequentially receives the content of the pict internal table. After closing the write stream, the content of the internal table is stored in the database table as a binary string.
Here, the content of the internal table is a figure in GIF format, which is retrieved from the Mime Repository using an auxiliary method. The address there is also used as a database table key. An existing row is deleted in the static constructor so that the example always works.
The number of changed rows is checked by an object of the
The content can be read again using the example for read streams .
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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