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SAP DB TRANSACTION documentation, setup help and example usage

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Database LUW
A database LUW is a non-separable sequence of database operations that ends in a database commit . The database LUW is either executed completely by the database system, or not at all. After a database LUW has been completed successfully, the database returns to a consistent status and a new database LUW is opened. If an error is discovered within a database LUW, all database changes made since the start of the database LUW can be canceled using a
database rollback . The database is subsequently restored to the same status as before the start of the database LUW.

  • A database commit closes all opened

  • database cursors . In Open SQL , this particularly affects SELECT loops and the statement OPEN CURSOR .
  • At the end of a database LUW, all the read streams and locators created in it are closed implicitly. A write stream that is still open is only closed as part of a database rollback and causes a runtime error in a database commit.

  • Any database commits or database rollbacks that occur within the update cancel the update.
    Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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