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Display page of the SAP BSP example application to store favourite tcodes as a cookie

This is the display.htm page of the example favourits BSP, this is being used to demonstrate the use of cookies to store and retrieve information entered by a sap bsp user. Please note this page will do very little on it own and needs to be implemented as part of the whole favourits BSP application


Type Definitions
 types: tt_tcodes type standard table of tstc.

Page Attributes
gd_pgmna	TYPE	TSTC-PGMNA  	(Auto checked)
gt_event	TYPE	I		(Auto checked)
it_tcodes	TYPE	TT_TCODES	(Auto checked)
line1a		TYPE	TEXT		(Auto checked)
line2a		TYPE	TEXT		(Auto checked)

data: r_sotcode   type range of tstc-tcode,
      r_soprogram type range of tstc-PGMNA,
      r_sodesc    type range of tstc-ARBGB,
      wa_sotcode   like line of r_sotcode,
      wa_soprogram like line of r_soprogram,
      wa_sodesc    like line of r_sodesc.

CASE gt_event.
* Tcode selection
  when 1.
    if not line1a is initial.
      translate line1a to upper case.
      WA_sotcode-option = 'CP'.                       "'CP'.
      wa_sotcode-sign   = 'I'.
      wa_sotcode-low    = line1a.
      append wa_sotcode to r_sotcode.

    SELECT *
      from tstc
      into table it_tcodes
     where tcode in r_sotcode.

* Program selection
  when 2.
    if not line2a is initial.
      translate line2a to upper case.
      WA_soprogram-option ='CP'.
      wa_soprogram-sign   = 'I'.
      wa_soprogram-low    = line2a.
      append wa_soprogram to r_soprogram.

    SELECT *
      from tstc
      into table it_tcodes
     where PGMNA in r_soprogram.

<%@page language="abap"%>

    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <title> Display Users Card </title>

  <body class="bspBody1">

      Transaction Code List<br>
    <table width="80%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
        <td>T Code </td>
        <td>Screen No</td>

      <% data wa_tcodes like line of it_tcodes.
      Loop at it_tcodes into wa_tcodes. %>
        <td><a href="details.htm?gd_tcode=<%=wa_tcodes-tcode%>
		&gd_pgmna=<%=wa_tcodes-pgmna%> ">
		<%=wa_tcodes-tcode%> </a></td>
      <% Endloop. %>

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