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SAP ST TT ASSIGN documentation, setup help and example usage

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ST - tt:assign , Value Assignment

<(><<)>tt:assign [to-ref="node"|to-var="variable"]
[ref="node"|val="value"|var="variable"] /

You use the statement tt:assign to assign a value to a data root , a variable , or a parameter .
You use to-ref or to-var to specify the target field, and ref , val , or var to specify the source field. If no target field or no source field is specified, the
current node is used implicitly. Target and source fields can be:
  • a node node specified in accordance with the addressing rules ,

  • a variable or a

  • parameter variable ,
  • a value value specified in accordance with the

  • rules for ABAP values (source field only)
    An assignment between reference variables with tt:assign is possible only if the static type of the source variables is more special or the same as the static type of the target variables ( upcast ). In all other cases, you can use the tt:cast
    statement to perform a downcast .

    During serialization, only variables (or parameters) are given the current value of the source field. If a data node is specified as the target field (using to-ref ) or if the current node is specified implicitly, then tt:assign has no effect during serialization.

    During deserialization, only variables (or parameters) or directly specified values are evaluated as source fields. If a node is specified as the source field (using ref ) or if the current node is specified implicitly, then tt:assign has no effect during deserialization.
    The following syntax can be used if the current node, or the node specified after to-ref , is an internal table:
    <(><<)>tt:assign [to-ref="itab"]>
    <(><<)>tt:assign [to-ref="comp"]
    [val="value"|var="variable"] /
    A row is then inserted into the internal table specified. The values of the components are set using tt:assign statements. During serialization, this statement has no effect.

    The transformation below shows value assignments:
    tt:root name="ROOT"/
    tt:variable name="VARI" val="11"/
    tt:parameter name="PARA" val="22"/
    tt:assign to-var="VARI" var="PARA"/
    tt:assign to-ref="ROOT" var="VARI"/
    During a deserialization, the value 22 is assigned to the ABAP data object bound to the data root ROOT .
    Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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