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SAP SORT TEXT ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Sorting Internal Tables Alphabetically
This example demonstrates the alphabetical sorting of character strings.


The table itab contains a column with text fields and a column with corresponding, country-specific, binary characters that can be sorted and have been created, through conversion, in a sortable format. The table is sorted three times. First, a binary search on the key field text , then a binary search on the xtext field and finally, alphabetically on the key field text .
In the first sort 'M�ller' comes after 'Muller', because the internal representation of '�' comes after the representation for 'u'. Both the other sorts are alphabetic. The binary sort on xtext has the same result as an alphabetic sort on the field text .
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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