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SAP SERIALIZABLE OBJECT ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Modified Serialization and Deserialization
This example demonstrates the modified serialization and deserialization of objects.


Using the identity transformation ID , objects in two classes are serialized to asXML
and to asJSON , and then deserialized.
The object in the class cl_unsafe is processed in the standard way. The example shows that the standard behavior permits an object in a class to be created for which a private attribute is given a value set from outside, both for asXML and for asJSON After deserialization, the value of the private attribute attr in the new class does not match the value defined in the class.
The object in the class cl_safe is modified before being processed. The example shows demonstrates how the methods
SERIALIZE_HELPER and DESERIALIZE_HELPER can be used to avoid an undesirable manipulation of attributes. The private attribute
attr is serialized using SERIALIZE_HELPER but is not deserialized in DESERIALIZE_HELPER .
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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