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SAP NEWS-70-REGEX documentation, setup help and example usage

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Character string processing for release 7.0

1 Search for regular expressions in character strings
2 Search for multiple found locations with FIND
3 Number of found locations in unsuccessful searches
4 Find and replace in internal tables
5 New additions for CONCATENATE

ABAP_MODIFICATION_1 Search for regular expressions in character strings

As of release 7.0, it is possible to search for regular expressions in the statements FIND and
REPLACE . This replaces the search for patterns with the statement SEARCH .

ABAP_MODIFICATION_2 Search for multiple found locations with FIND

As of release 7.0, the addition ALL OCCURRENCES can be used in the statement FIND . The previous behavior is expressed using the addition FIRST OCCURRENCE . In addition, the statements FIND and REPLACE for pattern-based searching have been widely standardized.

ABAP_MODIFICATION_3 Number of found locations in unsuccessful searches

As of release 7.0, the addition REPLACEMENT COUNT of the statement REPLACE sets the operand rcnt to 0, if no replacement has been made. This is the same as the statement FIND , in which mcnt is also set to 0 by the addition MATCH COUNT for unsuccessful searches. Before release 7.0, rcnt retained its own previous value if no replacement was made.

ABAP_MODIFICATION_4 Find and replace in internal tables

As of release 7.0, internal tables can be searched with the statement FINDIN TABLE and modified using REPLACE IN TABLE . This replaces the search in internal tables using the statement


As of release 7.0, the addition LINES OF in the statement CONCATENATE can be used to concatenate rows of an internal table.
The new addition RESPECTING BLANKS enables closing blanks to be taken into account in data objects of fixed length. This can also be used to assign text fields to strings when taking into account the closing blanks.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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