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SAP DYNPRO RADIO BUTTON ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Screens, Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
The example shows how to process checkboxes and radio buttons on screens.


The static next screen number of screen 100 is 100. The screen fields field1 to field3 have been defined as not ready for input in the Screen Painter. Choosing one of the three radio buttons triggers the event PAI passing the function code RADIO and the field contents of the screenfields to the ABAP program. The dialog module user_command_0100 fills the fields field1 to field3 based on the radio button chosen. They are displayed when the screen is sent the next time. Choosing the checkbox also triggers the event PAI . In this case, the function CANCEL is passed to the ABAP program, and the dialog module user_command_0100
immediately ends the program.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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