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SAP DESCRIBE DISTANCE ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Determining Data Object Distances
The example demonstrates how the distance between two data objects can be determined at runtime.


Determining the offset and length, in bytes, of a character-like fragment within the struc structure, access to the fragment using an offset/length access and assignment to a field symbol of type c
. Since the structure is not purely character-like, the offset/length access takes place using a field symbol, otherwise a syntax error occurs in a Unicode program. The field symbol is of the type x , since offset and length are determined in bytes. In Unicode systems , a different value is identified for off than in non-Unicode systems because of the alignment gap before comp3 . The result field symbol has the same content in both cases "Hey you!".
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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