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SAP CREATE SHARED DATA OBJCT ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Creating a Data Object as a Shared Object
The example demonstrates how a data object is created in an area instance version .


The AREA HANDLE addition is used to create an anonymous data object of type string in an area instance version of area CL_DEMO_AREA as a shared object . The generically typed attribute dref of area root class CL_DEMO_ROOT is used as a reference variable. A field symbol is used to dereference the data reference and assign a value to the anonymous data object.
Once write access is completed using the DETACH_COMMIT method, read access takes place, which demonstrates how the object is accessed in the shared memory. This type of access can also take place in a different program, provided that the area instance version exists in the shared memory.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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