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SAP COMPARE TABLE ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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Comparing Internal Tables
This example demonstrates how internal tables are compared.


Two standard tables, itab and jtab , are created. itab
is filled with three rows and assigned to jtab . A further row is added to itab and the first relational expression returns the result that itab is greater than jtab . After the same row has been added to jtab , the second relational expression returns the result that both tables are the same. Another row is added to
itab and the third relational expression returns the result that
jtab is less than or equal to itab . Next, a further row is added to jtab , the content of which is different from the final row of itab . The next relational expression returns the result that itab is not equal to jtab . The first table field where the contents of itab and jtab differ is col1 in the last row of the table, namely 30 for itab and 50 for
jtab . In the last relational expression, itab is therefore less than jtab .
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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