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SAP CL ABAP RUNTIME documentation, setup help and example usage

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System Class for Runtime Measurements
The static methods CREATE_HR_TIMER and CREATE_LR_TIMER of the class CL_ABAP_RUNTIME can be used to generate objects for runtime measurements. The objects contain a method GET_RUNTIME that performs a runtime measurement in the same way as the statement GET RUN TIME .
An object generated using CREATE_HR_TIMER performs a measurement with high precision, and an object generated using CREATE_LR_TIMER
performs a measurement with a lower level of measurement precision.
In contrast to the statement GET RUN TIME , these objects can be used to carry out different measurements with different levels of precision and parallel measurements.
As the execution of the method GET_RUNTIME is approximately two microseconds slower than the execution of the statement GET RUN TIME
, in some circumstances this method may not be suitable for the measurement of very short periods of time.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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