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SAP CHOICE LANGU GUIDL documentation, setup help and example usage

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Choosing the Language


Using names in Englisch
Give your repository objects and your local program objects names that use English words only

Using names in a language other than English looks unnatural (and inelegant) in programming languages whose own language elements are all in English. As well as this, English names make the source code accessible to as wide an audience as possible. Finally, using a different language throughout your code would be difficult due to the large number of English technical terms used in today's IT environment.
In instances where British and American spelling differ, use the American spelling. This is often shorter and more commonly used in
IT .

This rule applies regardless of the
original language chosen .

Bad example
One of the most notorious examples of non-English names in ABAP is the component UZEIT of the structure
SYST , plus its data element SYUZEIT
. All other components (with the exception of the equally notorious DATUM (for date) and MANDT (for client)) are English terms or abbreviations.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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