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SAP ASXML QNAMES ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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asXML , Mapping of Qualified Names
This example demonstrates the mapping of XML schema data type s for qualified names.


In this example, only two serializations of ABAP data objects are performed to asXML format. Their content corresponds to
"{URI}name" format. In the first serialization, the data objects have the type string ; in the second they have the type XSDQNAME
. In the first case, the content is passed unchanged, but in the second case it is interpreted as a qualified name and the associated namespace declarations are created.
Next, XML data is created, which contains one element with a namespace prefix and one without a namespace prefix. This data is deserialized to ABAP data objects with the type string and the type XSDQNAME . The element with a namespace prefix is deserialized to the data object with the type string without being changed. However, when deserializing to the data object of the type XSDQNAME , a conversion to the format "{URI}name" takes place. The element with no namespace prefix is deserialized without being changed in both cases, since only the empty standard namespace exists.
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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