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SAP ASSIGN INCREMENT ABEXA documentation, setup help and example usage

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The examples shows how the statement ASSIGN behaves when the addition INCREMENT is used.


This example shows why you should use the addition INCREMENT in the statement ASSIGN only if you want to access sequences of similar memory areas and that the typing of the field symbol must match the specification made in casting_spec
. Any access which is not appropriate as shown in the example can produce the following behavior:
  • The first ASSIGN statement returns the value 0 in sy-subrc

  • in both Unicode and non-Unicode systems. In Unicode systems, <(>
    word is assigned the associated memory area of struc-int1 and struc-int2 which assumes type c . In non-Unicode systems, word is only assigned the memory area of
    struc-int1 which assumes type c .
  • The second ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error in both Unicode and non-Unicode systems since the data type of

  • struc-word does not match the typing of int .
  • The third ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error in Unicode systems since the system tries to assign the component

  • struc-stri to word , and as the structure is deep and the typing of word is flat, no casting is possible. In non-Unicode systems, word is assigned the memory area of struc-int2 which assumes type c .
  • The fourth ASSIGN statement terminates with a runtime error in Unicode systems since the system tries to assign the component

  • struc-stri to int , and as the structure is deep and the typing of int is flat, no casting is possible. In non-Unicode systems, a runtime error occurs since the data type of
    struc-word does not match the typing of int .
  • The fifth and the sixth ASSIGN statement both return the value 4 in sy-subrc in Unicode systems since the system tries to allocate memory area outside the structure struc specified after RANGE

  • . In non-Unicode systems, a runtime error occurs since the system tries to assign the component struc-stri to word or int , and as the structure is deep and the typings of word and int are flat, no casting is possible.
    Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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