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SAP ABAP XSLT EXAMPLE documentation, setup help and example usage

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Serialization of Data Objects to a String xmlstr Using the Identical Transformation ID A date field
date , a time field time , and a data reference variable dref1 are serialized. The data reference variable points to an anonymous object reference variable, which in turn points to an object of the class c2 . Objects serialized in this way can be stored persistently, for example in a data cluster
. After the objects are imported from where they are stored, they are deserialized to further data objects. Following deserialization,
dref2 points to another anonymous reference variable, such as
dref1 . This anonymous data object and the instance of the class c2 to which it points are generated during the deserialization.
The XML document generated in the serialization is in asXML format. It is displayed in a browser and has approximately the content described below. In this description, line breaks and indents have been added. The element values contains the asXML representations of the three passed data objects. In the names X-MLDAT and X-MLTIM
, "xml" is replaced by "X-ML" . The attribute href
of the element REF uses the key "d1" to refer to the representation of the associated
anonymous data object in the element heap . This uses the key "o3" to refer to the representation of the instance of the class c2 , which is also in the element heap . This representation is divided into the object parts for the classes c1 and c2
. The object part for c1 contains the representation of the double-row structured internal table carriers . The object part for c2 contains the representation for the output parameter
count of the method SERIALIZE_HELPER .
<(><<)>?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<(><<)>asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
REF href="#d1" /
abap:refObject href="#o3" id="d1" /
<(><<)>CARRNAME>American Airlines<(><<)>/CARRNAME>
<(><<)>CARRNAME>Air Berlin<(><<)>/CARRNAME>
Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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