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SAP ABAP JSON SXML documentation, setup help and example usage

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Parsing and Rendering JSON Data
The processing of JSON data in ABAP is integrated into sXML Library . Here, JSON is supported as a separate format , with
JSON-XML used as an intermediate step.

Parsing JSON Data
The method CREATE can be used to pass both XML data and JSON data to each XML reader in sXML Library (except for XOP readers) that is based on the appropriate classes and interfaces The reader recognizes the JSON format and becomes a JSON reader. A JSON reader handles JSON data as if it were passed XML
data that contains the JSON-XML representation of the JSON data.
By default, the JSON-XML representation is created internally, where the object components of the JSON data are not nested in an element member . To create the longer variant with
member elements, the method SET_OPTION of the interface IF_SXML_READER can be used to set the option IF_SXML_READER= CO_OPT_SEP_MEMBER .
When parsed, invalid JSON data raises an exception of the class CX_SXML_PARSE_ERROR , which must be caught in each parser step.

  • A JSON reader can, like every XML reader, be used as the source of the statement CALL TRANSFORMATION , which permits direct serialization of JSON data to ABAP data objects.

  • When JSON data is parsed, escape characters \ in front of special characters in character-like values are removed automatically.

  • Example
    See JSON , Parse .

    Rendering of JSON Data
    The method CREATE can be used to create each XML writer in sXML Library (except for XOP writers) that is based on the appropriate
    classes and interfaces as a JSON
    writer. Here, the associated constant of the interface IF_SXML
    must be passed to the input parameter TYPE .
    cl_sxml_..._writer= create( type = if_sxml= co_xt_json ).
    A JSON writer of this type can, like any sXML writer, be provided with XML data using
    token-based and object-oriented rendering methods. This XML data must be a valid JSON-XML representation of JSON data . The object components of
    JSON data can be written to a writer in either JSON-XML notation, with or without member element.
    The writer transforms the JSON-XML representation entered to
    JSON format and provides the result as specified by the writer type.
    Invalid JSON data is not created and raises an exception of the class CX_SXML_STATE_ERROR , which must be caught in each writer step.

  • When JSON data is rendered, special characters in character-like values are prefixed automatically with the escape character \ .

  • A JSON writer can, like every XML writer, be used as the target of the statement CALL TRANSFORMATION , which permits direct serialization of ABAP data objects to JSON data.

  • Example
    See JSON , Render .
    Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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