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Compare performance of various ABAP code using runtime analysis tcode SAT "

As well as analysing your own ABAP code for performance issues the RTA transaction "SAT� also has a tips and tricks section which allows you to compare the performance of different ABAP code statements. For example one comparison is the "IF" statement vs the "CASE" statement which is what I will base the example on but there are many more options such as "dO" vs "WHILE", methods vs subroutines, fixed length variables vs unfixed etc...

Step 1 - Execute transction SAT
Execute transaction SAT which is the new version of SE30(you could use SE30 instead if you wanted but is out of date now).

Step 2 - Enter tips and tricks
Click on the Select the Tips & Tricks icon

Step 3 - Select example
As i mentioned above im going to look at the If vs Case example so Expand the "If, Case, ..." tree option

Now double click on the "If vs Case" option and you should see the two ABAP code examples displayed on the right. Also note the documentation which gives you performamce advice on whcih to use.

Step 4 - Test the code
Now press the Measure runtime button. The speed for each section of code will then be shown below the title.

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