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Creating a BSP using the Model View Controller(MVC) technique

Tutorial 3 - Event handling and calling a new view Step 1 - Redefine DO_HANDLE_EVENT event Return to the controller class you created in tutorial 1, accessed via the controller page (i.e. and double clicking on the cc name ( ZCL_CONTROLLER_01 ). Go into change mode and find the DO_HANDLE_EVENT method and redefine it. Step 2 - Insert code in to DO_HANDLE_EVENT Enter the following ABAP code which handles a button click event:

method DO_HANDLE_EVENT . *CALL METHOD SUPER->DO_HANDLE_EVENT * EXPORTING * EVENT = * HTMLB_EVENT = ** HTMLB_EVENT_EX = * GLOBAL_MESSAGES = * RECEIVING * GLOBAL_EVENT = * . DATA: button_event TYPE REF TO CL_HTMLB_EVENT_BUTTON. "date event DATA: date_event TYPE REF TO CL_HTMLB_EVENT_DATENAVIGATOR. "button event * Check if event being processed is a button event IF htmlb_event IS BOUND AND htmlb_event->name = 'button'. * Use widening cast to take generic event to specific event (button event) * - Basically moves current event structure into button event structure, * - so that the button event now contains the relevant data button_event ?= htmlb_event. * * Contains value store in the 'onClick' parameter on page view if button_event->server_event = 'myClickHandler'. page = 'page2.htm'. endif. ENDIF. * Check if event being processed is a date event * - the below code is simply for further demonstration of above syntax IF htmlb_event IS BOUND AND htmlb_event->name = 'dateNavigator'. date_event ?= htmlb_event. ENDIF. endmethod.

Step 3 - Create attributte to store next page value Return back to Class interface and define a new class attributte as type string to store next page value! Step 4 - Modify DO_REQUEST method You now need to modify the DO_REQUEST code so that it calls the event handling and controls which page to display based on the new page variable/attribute. The event handling is called using the 'dispatch_input( )' command.

METHOD do_request . *CALL METHOD SUPER->DO_REQUEST * . DATA: r_view TYPE REF TO if_bsp_page. * Calls event handler DO_HANDLE_EVENT dispatch_input( ). IF page EQ 'main1.htm' or page EQ space. r_view = create_view( view_name = 'main1.htm' ). r_view->set_attribute( name = 'p_ord' value = me->r_model ). ELSEIF page = 'page2.htm'. r_view = create_view( view_name = 'page2.htm' ). r_view->set_attribute( name = 'p_ord' value = me->r_model ). ENDIF. ** Create object r_view with view_name main1.htm ** Layout is provided by view main1.htm * r_view = create_view( view_name = 'main1.htm' ). * r_view->set_attribute( name = 'p_ord' * value = me->r_model ). call_view( r_view ). ENDMETHOD.

Step 5 - Create second View Firstly save and activate the controller class. The next stage is to create the second view which is executed from within DO_REQUEST. This will need to be called 'page2.htm' unless you modify the code you have just placed in the DO_REQUEST method. The simplest way to do this is to copy your existing view (main1.htm), You might want to change some text slightly so that you can distanguish between the 2 page. i.e. change PO text to 'Purchase order2'. Step 6 - Save and activate Ensure you save and activate all the objects that have been changed during this tutorial. Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3

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