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Maintenance and implementation of SAPScript texts in SAP

SAPScript text objects are created and maintained using SAP transaction SE75. Simply execute the tcode and then press change (or display if you just want to view existing ones).

If changing you will get a popup information message warning you that these settings a valid in all clients.

You will then be presented with a list of text object id's which already exist in the system.

If you double click on one of them it will then display all the text id's within that object

When using the CREATE_TEXT or READ_TEXT function modules to create and read the text values then the object id and text id from here are used. The text name would be a unique identifier.

*         CLIENT                  = SY-MANDT
          id                      =       "Text ID
          language                =       "Laguage
          name                    =       "Text name (unique id for text value)
          object                  =       "Object ID

Create new SAPScript text object

To create a new text object simply click the create icon, fill in the required details and press the green tick.

Your object will then be created

Now you need to add some text id's into the object, simply double click on the object id and click on the create button.

Now enter a 'Text ID' and 'Meaning' and press the green tick.

Do this for as many text ID's as you need

Now it is just a case of creating the actual text entries using the CREATE_TEXT function module

                FID         = 'TXT1'
                FLANGUAGE   = sy-langu
                FNAME       = '0001'   "Any code as long as you are able to reference it at a later date
                FOBJECT     = 'ZTEST'
*               SAVE_DIRECT = 'X'
*               FFORMAT     = '*'

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