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SAP ABAP IXML LIB DOM FILTER READ documentation, setup help and example usage

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iXML Library, Reads Using Filters
When a DOM is read using
iterators , all nodes of a document or subtree or all elements of a list are read by default. A filter can be associated with an iterator to restrict it to specific nodes or elements only. Filters can be created using factory methods from the interface
IF_IXML_NODE . For example, a condition can be set for the name of an element as follows, if document has the type
IF_IXML_DOCUMENT and points to an XML :
DATA(filter) = document- create_filter_name_ns( name = ... ).
The static type of the reference variable filter is then IF_IXML_NODE_FILTER and the variable points to a filter object that can be passed to an iterator as follows:
DATA(iterator) = document->create_iterator( ).
iterator- set_filter( filter ).
or in short
DATA(iterator) = document- create_iterator_filtered( filter ).
The iterator then only reads elements of the name passed to the filter. The factory methods of the interface for nodes can be used to create the following filters (among others):
  • CREATE_FILTER_NODE_TYPE : Condition for the type of a node

  • CREATE_FILTER_NAME_NS : Condition for the name of a node

  • CREATE_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE_NS : Condition for the name and value of an attribute

  • Other factory methods are available for combining multiple filters and creating special filters that implement Boolean operators:
  • CREATE_FILTER_AND : "and" join

  • CREATE_FILTER_OR : "or" join

  • CREATE_FILTER_NOT : Negation

  • References to existing filter objects can be passed to the input parameters of these factory methods. A new filter is created that i
    mplements the Boolean operator on the filters in question.

    For more information (about further filters and possible parameters), see the interface IF_IXML_NODE .

    See Filters for Iterator
    Documentation extract taken from SAP system, � Copyright SAP AG. All rights reserved


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