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Multiple sheet Excel Document from SAP using OLE

The following ABAP code builds on that learnt from Creating a basic excel document using OLE. The code below demonstrates how to download an SAP table into an excel spreadsheet and then do some basic formatting to it, Including the following:

• Making a range of cells bold (i.e. header line)
• Assigning specific font style and size to range of cells
• Making the columns auto fit to the size of the text
• Assigning a specific shading colour to a cell or range of cells
• Assigning a border to a range of cells (including different types and weights)

*& Report  ZFORMATEXCEL                                 *
*&                                                      *
*& Author: SAP ABAP Development Website*
*&                                                      *
REPORT  ZFORMATEXCEL                    .

INCLUDE ole2incl.
DATA: application TYPE ole2_object,
       workbook TYPE ole2_object,
       sheet TYPE ole2_object,
       cells TYPE ole2_object,
       cell1 TYPE ole2_object,
       cell2 TYPE ole2_object,
       range TYPE ole2_object,
       font TYPE ole2_object,
       column TYPE ole2_object,
       shading TYPE ole2_object,
       border TYPE ole2_object.
CONSTANTS: row_max TYPE i VALUE 256.
DATA index TYPE i.
Data: ld_colindx type I,   "column index
      ld_rowindx type i.   "row index

types: begin of t_data,
  field1  type string,
  field2  type string,
  field3  type string,
  field4  type string,
  field5  type string,
  field6  type string,
  field7  type string,
  field8  type string,
  field9  type string,
  field10 type string,
  field11 type string,
  field12 type string,
  field13 type string,
  field14 type string,
  field15 type string,
  field16 type string,
  end of t_data.
data: it_header type STANDARD TABLE OF t_data,
      wa_header like LINE OF it_header,
      it_data type STANDARD TABLE OF t_data,
      wa_data like LINE OF it_data.

*field symbol to hold values
field-symbols: <fs>.

DATA: BEGIN OF itab1 OCCURS 0, first_name(10), END OF itab1.
DATA: BEGIN OF itab2 OCCURS 0, last_name(10), END OF itab2.
DATA: BEGIN OF itab3 OCCURS 0, formula(50), END OF itab3.


  wa_header-field1 = 'Header1'.
  wa_header-field2 = 'Header2'.
  wa_header-field3 = 'Header3'.
  wa_header-field4 = 'Header4'.
  wa_header-field5 = 'Header5'.
  wa_header-field6 = 'Header6'.
  wa_header-field7 = 'Header7'.
  wa_header-field8 = 'Header8'.
  wa_header-field9 = 'Header9'.
  wa_header-field10 = 'Longer Header10'.
  wa_header-field11 = 'Header11'.
  wa_header-field12 = 'Header12'.
  wa_header-field13 = 'Header13'.
  wa_header-field14 = 'Header14'.
  wa_header-field15 = 'Header15'.
  wa_header-field16 = 'Header16'.
  APPEND wa_header to it_header.

  wa_data-field1 =  'Clumn1 data'.
  wa_data-field2 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field3 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field4 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field5 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field6 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field7 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field8 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field9 =  'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field10 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field11 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field12 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field13 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field14 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field15 = 'Column1 data'.
  wa_data-field16 = 'Column1 data'.
  APPEND wa_DATA to it_DATA.
  APPEND wa_DATA to it_DATA.

  CREATE OBJECT application 'excel.application'.
  SET PROPERTY OF application 'visible' = 1.
  CALL METHOD OF application 'Workbooks' = workbook.

* Create new worksheet
  set property of application 'SheetsInNewWorkbook' = 1.
  CALL METHOD OF workbook 'Add'.

* Create first Excel Sheet
  CALL METHOD OF application 'Worksheets' = sheet
    EXPORTING #1 = 1.
  CALL METHOD OF sheet 'Activate'.
  SET PROPERTY OF sheet 'Name' = 'Sheet1'.

* Download header data to excel spreadsheet   *
  ld_rowindx = 1. "start at row 1 for headings
  LOOP AT it_header INTO wa_header.
*Use sy-tabix for row index
    ld_rowindx = sy-tabix.

*   Fill columns for current row
    Clear ld_colindx.
*     Assign <fs> to table columns
      Assign component sy-index of structure wa_header to <fs>.
      If sy-subrc ne 0.
      ld_Colindx = sy-index.
      CALL METHOD OF sheet 'Cells' = cells
        EXPORTING #1 = ld_rowindx
                  #2 = ld_colindx.
      SET PROPERTY OF cells 'Value' = <fs>.

* Download data to excel spreadsheet          *
  CALL METHOD OF application 'Worksheets' = sheet
    EXPORTING #1 = 2.

  clear: ld_rowindx, ld_colindx.
  LOOP AT it_data into wa_data.
    ld_rowindx = sy-tabix  + 1. "start at row 2 (leave 1st for for headings

*   Fill columns for current row
    Clear ld_colindx.
      Assign component sy-index of structure wa_data to <fs>.
      If sy-subrc ne 0.
      ld_colindx = sy-index.
      CALL METHOD OF sheet 'Cells' = cells
        EXPORTING #1 = ld_rowindx
                  #2 = ld_colindx.
      SET PROPERTY OF cells 'Value' = <fs>.

* Capture range of cells to be modified       *
*Start of range Cell
  CALL METHOD of application 'Cells' = cell1
      #1 = 1     "down
      #2 = 1.    "across
*End of range Cell
  CALL METHOD of application 'Cells' = cell2
      #1 = 1     "down
      #2 = 16.   "across

  CALL METHOD of application 'Range' = range
      #1 = cell1
      #2 = cell2.

* Modify properties of cell range             *
  get PROPERTY OF range 'Font' = font.
  set PROPERTY OF font 'Bold' = 1.
  set property of font 'Size' = 10.

  call method of range 'INTERIOR' = shading.
  set property of shading 'ColorIndex' = 15. "colour - change number for diff colours
  set property of shading 'Pattern' = 1. "pattern - solid, striped etc
  free object shading.

* CHANGE RANGE VALUES - include all lines (1,2 and 3)
  free range.
  CALL METHOD of application 'Cells' = cell1  "start cell
      #1 = 1     "down
      #2 = 1.    "across

  CALL METHOD of application 'Cells' = cell2 "end cell
      #1 = 3     "down
      #2 = 16.   "across

  CALL METHOD of application 'Range' = range
      #1 = cell1
      #2 = cell2.

  call method of range 'BORDERS' = BORDER exporting #1 = '1'.  "left
  set property of border 'LineStyle' = '1'. "line style solid, dashed...
  set property of border 'WEIGHT' = 2.                         "max = 4
  free object border.

  call method of range 'BORDERS' = BORDER exporting #1 = '2'.  "right
  set property of border 'LineStyle' = '1'.
  set property of border 'WEIGHT' = 2.                         "max = 4
  free object border.

  call method of range 'BORDERS' = BORDER exporting #1 = '3'.   "top
  set property of border 'LineStyle' = '1'.
  set property of border 'WEIGHT' = 2.                          "max = 4
  free object border.

  call method of range 'BORDERS' = BORDER exporting #1 = '4'.   "bottom
  set property of border 'LineStyle' = '1'.
  set property of border 'WEIGHT' = 2.                          "max = 4
  free object border.

* Overwites all cell values in range to equal 'test'
* SET PROPERTY OF range    'VALUE' = 'test'.

* Set Columns to auto fit to width of text    *
  CALL METHOD OF application 'Columns' = COLUMN.
  free object COLUMN.

* Save excel speadsheet to particular filename*
  CALL METHOD OF sheet 'SaveAs'
                  EXPORTING #1 = 'c:\temp\exceldoc2.xls'     "filename
                            #2 = 1.                          "fileFormat

  free object sheet.
  free object workbook.
  free object application.

*  Closes excel window, data is lost if not saved
*  SET PROPERTY OF application 'visible' = 0.
*  call method of workbook 'CLOSE'.
*  call method of excel 'QUIT'.

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