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Function module BAPI_EMPLCOMM_CREATE to maintain the SAP HR communication infotype 0105

The BAPI_EMPLCOMM_CREATE function module is used for the Maintenance of the HR communication infotype 0105. So if you add a new entry it will automatically delimit the previous entry.

Function Module parameters

employeenumber - Emplyee number you want to update
subtype - Subtype you want to update in table pa0105
validitybegin - Start date of new record. Fm will use previous day (validitybegin - 1) to delimit existing record
validityend - End date of new record
communicationid - Value of new record to be added to table pa0105
return - Return values

Other details
In-order to execute this function module you also need to have locked the user using BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE, also remember to unlock them after processing using BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUEUE.

Example coding for adding a new entry to info type 0105 with subtype value of '0001'

* return data
  DATA: BEGIN OF 0105_return OCCURS 0.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapiret1.
  DATA: END OF 0105_return.
  data: ld_value type ad_smtpadr,
        ld_pernr type pernr-pernr,
        ld_date  type datum.

  ld_value = 'NEW VALUE'.
  ld_pernr = '111111'.  "enter pernr value here
  ld_date  = sy-datum.  "start date

      number = ld_pernr.

      employeenumber  = ld_pernr
      subtype         = '0001'
      validitybegin   = ld_date
      validityend     = '99991231'
      communicationid = ld_value
      return          = 0105_return.

  read table 0105_return with key type = 'E'.
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
    write:/ 'Infotype 0105 updated to new Username'.

      number = ld_pernr.

Also see Copy SAP user ABAP program for another example of how to use this function module

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